Junior match dates 2025

Junior Competitions 2025

We are running a full range of competitions this year including our popular SUMMER LEAGUE at Marsh Farm. and some challenge matches against Petersfield.

April 12th  Senior/Junior (lads n dads) pairs match Broadwater Lake- draw 9 am fish 10 till 2



Summer league Dates:  Best 4 results count to final ranking


June 7th- Marsh Farm summer league Round 1 - draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

June 21st- Marsh Farm vs Petersfield league Round 2  - draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

July 5th- Marsh Farm summer league Round 3 -draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

July 19th– Marsh farm summer league Round 4 – draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

Aug 2nd- Marsh Farm summer league Round 5  - draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

Aug 16th-Marsh farm summer league Round 6 – draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30

Aug 30th- Marsh Farm summer league Round 7  - draw 8.45 fish 9.30-12.30


Other matches:

April 12 th  Senior/Junior (lads n dads) pairs match Broadwater Lake- draw 9 am fish 10 till 2

December 6th- Christmas match Hill Pond - draw 9.00 am fish 10-1pm.


Other dates will be added when they are confirmed


 Summer League Rules:

1. All matches run on a points basis
2. The best 4 results over the series will count to your final ranking
3. There will be tackle voucher prizes for each match and larger prizes for overall league for the top 3 places!
4. Juniors are expected to fish and feed by themselves but can receive advice during a match and help to land fish if they get into difficulty.
5. You must be a GAS junior member to take part in these matches - open to 7-16 year olds

 To book into any match use our junior booking line.  Phone or text: Kevin  on 07704 430685 and mention MATCH when booking in!!!!