Return to Match fishing
We have the go to resume matches from Monday 29th March. This means our first match will be on Sunday 4th April. PLEASE NOTE SOCIAL DISTANCING STILL APPLIES SO WE WILL BE USING THE SAME FORMAT AS BEFORE THE LOCKDOWN. There will be a rolling draw FROM 8 am so you can go straight to your peg instead of gathering in large groups. Please do not follow the scales after you have weighed in. Payout will be using "clean money" provided by the club and money collected on the day will be quarantined until the following week.. So lets enjoy our matches and be sensible so as not to give anybody a reason to shut us down again.
Resident access at Bramley Lake
Please be aware of the completion of residential dwellings on the old tile yard site behind Bramley Lake. The new residents have the right to walk around the site entering via the custom made path and bridge. Whilst this is not ideal for anglers please remain polite at all times